2007-03-23 16:12:43 UTC
I have a primary partition with W98SE at Fat16. A second partition
compressed with DriveSpace.
I've tried to convert my primary bootable partition to Fat32. (I want to
conserve second part. compressed). When I start converter, dialogs boxes
guide me to boot my Pc to start the conversion. Then in DOS, a blue screen
appear a few seconds and continue a normal start to Windows. A message tell
me that conversion is not done, but not the reason. Nothing change.
What is wrong ? Can anybody help me. Thanks a lot. Carlo.
compressed with DriveSpace.
I've tried to convert my primary bootable partition to Fat32. (I want to
conserve second part. compressed). When I start converter, dialogs boxes
guide me to boot my Pc to start the conversion. Then in DOS, a blue screen
appear a few seconds and continue a normal start to Windows. A message tell
me that conversion is not done, but not the reason. Nothing change.
What is wrong ? Can anybody help me. Thanks a lot. Carlo.